angels, daily channeling, dreams do come true, faith, galactic federation, meditation, pleiadians, random musings

A message from a Pleiadian Council

I sat down at the computer to type up my bio for a brochure and the Pleiadian Council came to me and wanted me to channel this message for you. So, I did not get my bio done but here is a very loving message for you. 🙂

“We are a collective council of twelve Pleiadians. We want to talk to you about love and not the typical romance type of love or family love. We speak of pure love. A love that most cannot truly understand here on earth. Just because it is often not understood doesn’t mean it can’t be experienced! We would like to recommend for everyone to experience this phenomenon. We are encoding this message as it is channeled with the pure love vibration so that as you read this it will begin to integrate into your energy fields, opening you to this love.

This love is non judgmental. This love is life force. This love is of the creator. Simply close your eyes and ask the universe to send you this pure love. You have recently been told to connect. Connect with this love. You can ask us, the Pleiadians, to send you this love. We will gladly do so anytime and as often as requested. The angels as well. Any favorite guide you may have can send you this love. You  can even send it to yourself and that is the most powerful way to access this love. Close your eyes and say ‘I now send myself pure universal love’. Then allow it to flow into you. If you can’t see it happening, imagine it to be so. Imagination is creation and intuition. Imagine a vividly white and gold energy pouring into each of your chakras. By the time you are done imagining this we bet you will feel tingly and happier, more awake. Those who can feel energy well should really be able to appreciate how uplifting this pure love is.

This is just another tool to use to help your daily lives be filled with more joy and pure love. It is another tool to use during stressful events. Earth right now, especially america really needs help with finding the light. Many are already awakening to it. We are here to help this process along. We are giving you this as a tool to help you find the light and feel something other than negative. Once you open to and feel this pure universal love it creates a change in your energy. The more you give yourself this love the more it will help you. Just like anything the more you practice, the more effective and easier it will be to receive this pure love. It is motivating and can help you to be more aware of your passions to point you in a direction that is more fulfilling to your soul. This love heals you. It helps you to be and think and feel positive, therefore allowing yourself to let go and heal from all the negative you have created.

We can sit here and get specific and list the many benefits that can happen if you allow this pure love energy and vibration into your life, however we suggest that this is best experienced, best felt. So we want you to let go of your logical side for a moment and just connect to this energy, ask for this energy or give it yourself. You can even do all three! Stop thinking so much and FEEL. Simply practicing that will switch you into a more positive way of being. Already reading this message, as we have stated, you are receiving this pure love. So stop reading for a moment. Close your eyes and FEEL. Feel this happening. The truth is it is happening whether you feel anything or not. The more you practice, the more you will feel. Once you recognize what you are feeling, you know what to expect when giving this pure love to yourself during a stressful event. People will also be able to sense this in your energy, your aura. You can pass this pure universal love along and we encourage you to do this. If there is someone who you know that is going through a difficult time, send them pure universal love. Intent is powerful, simply state that you are sending whomever pure universal love and it will be done. It really is that easy, that simple.

It is time for us to wrap up our message. Our message to allow this pure love into your life and to spread it and spread the positive. We are here to help you find the light! Thank you for allowing us to give this message.”

Thank you Pleiadians. I love their energy, so loving and happy. ❤

On another note, I am super excited to say that I did find a wonderful office space! Yay! I now work out of the Center for Alternative Medicine. 🙂 I have an event this Friday that I will be attending with all the practitioners of C.A.M. I will be doing what I can to get ready for that.

To get my new office space ready for the high level energy work that I will be doing I decided to go into the office last night and clear the room of all stagnant and low level energy. I  connected with my guides and they suggested I draw protection symbols on the walls energetically. I also integrated the Galactic Federation and the Archangels asking them to help get the room ready for the work they will be doing with me. They had me do energy work on the walls! They infused the walls with a high frequency energy to support the healing and energy work I will be doing. While I was doing that, my mother helped out by infusing pure love into the entire space. The Galactic Federation and Archangels then placed their own unique shields around my space and I placed some for protection. It was intense and the room feels amazing! I invite you to come visit me and feel for yourself!

Now,  to buy a few things to make my room pretty. Right now, I just have a small table and a Reiki table with chairs.

I also am feeling that I would like to start a group infusion/channeling type of thing. Once I figure that out I will post the info on my website and meetup.
I am just so happy right now regardless of the stressful events. Stress won’t bring me down. 🙂

Well I really have to get work on my bio for the C.A.M. website so until next time… Namaste!
angels, daily channeling, meditation, visualization

A message from Archangel Azrael

When asking my guides what to put on my blog they suggested channeled message for everyone. So in keeping with my goal to let go of resistance, that is what I will be doing. I was going to say I’d wait until Monday to do this, but upon sitting at my computer Archangel Azrael said “Why wait? I have a message I’d like to share now.” This is what he shared:

“I Azrael, would like to remind everyone to connect daily. Most connect to the creator and to earth and this is good. However, I would like to remind you to also connect out horizontally and diagonally from your heart center with your light column. There are multiple other dimensions that are waiting and willing to send you healing energy and wisdom, all you have to do is connect. The more you are connected, the more information can come to you. It doesn’t take long to connect. I’d also recommend a daily practice of visiting a different dimension while in a meditative state. Close your eyes and allow it to come to you. You do not have to understand it, just let it be and enjoy the energy, feelings or visuals it will bring for you. Connecting to these different dimensions will simply add to your experience and wisdom. It will expand your mind more each time. Connecting allows you to explore beyond this reality. It allows you to explore your universe from home. If you are having trouble visualizing or allowing another dimension to come to you, start by connecting to places you already know of on your earth. Places such as ancient healing sites. Allow yourself to connect to the pyramids of Egypt and feel their energy or connect to the many faces of Vishnu in Cambodia. Connect to a sacred temple or even a sacred event you know happened. Play and have fun with these connections and dimensions. This is my message for today, may you always stay connected.”

Thank you Azrael! This week seems to be full of different messages to connect. Tuesday this week I attended a channeling where we were given an exercise to connect with life force. My guides last night were having me connect with a state of being and this morning a message about the benefits of connecting to other dimensions. 🙂 How cool. 

On another note, I’ve been doing my best to do something spiritual every hour even if it is simply touching a rock as a reminder. I must say, it does make you feel better and think clearer. 🙂 What a happy way to start my day. Thank you for reading!
dreams do come true, faith, random musings

Giving this a go…

I have to admit putting a blog up on my site ads an element of pressure. Do I post daily? What do I post? AHH! 🙂 I have been told by many different guides of mine to blog to reach people. They keep telling me to blog… over and over. 🙂 So instead of questioning and raising my eyebrow, I am going to give in and stop resisting. We will see where this goes… 

I connected and grounded and asked for guidance today on what to write and you know what they said? My thoughts. Well that seems overly simple… 

My thoughts today are that I’ve been deciding on a new place to work out of. I want to take my business to an office and work out of an office. I want my own office because it’s my space to go that will be just mine. I can keep my stones and healing tools there. I can keep the frequency controlled and raised super high. I just want an office that is my own! 🙂 Eventually I’ll have it. I am pretty sure I have my options narrowed down… just waiting for a reply to my email….

A bit over a month from now I’ll be at the Gift of Light Expo. It will be my second time at an expo event. Working my way up to my dream expo, the Universal Life Expo in October. I’ve visited as a guest there for years, dreaming of the day I’ll have my own booth. I sent in my application and hopefully it will be approved. Fingers crossed! That would be a dream come true and another check off of my wish list. 🙂

Anyway I am still playing with the design of this blog and my website in general sooo…patience. 🙂 However I think it is time to go get some lunch. I’ve been up since 8am editing my website and this blog so I want a break. I am sure I’ll be back later. 🙂

Until then…