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Archangel Michael and Shekinah on the Beauty of a Human Existence

We would like to speak of the Gift to be human. With so much happening and so many distractions, it is easy to forget the beauty of a human existence.

Being human, you are able to make choices. These choices allow you to create and discover who you are as a person, as a soul, as Source expression. Once you’ve chosen a concept or idea, it is a beauty to see it then put in action. You ‘dream’ and see your options. You choose what resonates and that is your will instantly activating that ‘idea seed’. Then the universe takes action to make your ‘created dream’ happen and you also simultaneously do what you choose to take action on your part. This entire process is beautiful. Humans get to witness how a collective and co-creation work as each of your projections of yourself/your consciousness assist creation in a tangible reality. Each soul light a piece of all. Connected. Adding to the puzzle, the master piece of art. Beautiful. Each life so special and important.

Now with that fresh in mind, picture how humanity has been conditioned to view itself. If each individual remembered they are pure love, think of the ripple that would make in the collective. You’d all gradually begin to choose more compassionate thoughts, actions, and words. Being centered in love you have the awareness that what you do to yourself does effect the world. What you do to others effects yourself. The responsibility of awareness. Then expand and realize the ripple effect of your collective on the galactic collective. The universal resonance you are creating broadcasts a frequency that does effect other systems. You are universal. Multiversal. To say you are a small moment of existence and you don’t matter is limiting yourself. You do matter.

You can choose something else for a time, this is how you grow and contribute to the great puzzle of multiverses. Know you will always return to love as that is where you began and it can never be undone.

In your day to day life, don’t forget to take a moment and appreciate that you are here, that you do exist in this physical dimension. Remember, you have many choices. There is freedom in this! Choices, combined with creation and emotion are the sparkles of a human gemstone. We of the angelic realm know of emotion, we are however detached from it. We stand in love and in our pure constant knowing of our Source connection. Emotion is beautiful. Humans get to feel and use its energy to add and further empower your creations. It is the driving force behind your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual creations.

When we speak of emotions being temptations, we are speaking from our view point. We know love is the only truth so we do not deviate from it in its pure form, Source. We have no reason to in our dimension. We are not designed that way. We feel, however what we feel is love at its purest. We know of the fear based emotions, yet we ‘haven’t walked in your shoes’. Humans, you have the ability to experience all facets of love. Experience, not just feel. The sliding scale of human emotions are all different expressions of love, even the fear based emotions.

Humans if you allow it can feel so deeply. This is part of the beauty of coming to your dimension, your place you have named ‘Earth’. To feel joy as deeply as you all do is our favorite to watch you create. When you create with joy, we sing, you sing and the universe sings. The depth of the joy and the experiences that you create during joy is a sight to behold. The sliding scale is that you can also create with much fear. The trauma or pain the human feels and gets to experience is courageous and glorious in it’s own right. To choose a life of painful lessons makes you more strong and courageous than many give yourself credit for.

We’d like to invite you all to relax and just BE. Whatever your choices or feelings, honor them. Your world now days has developed this idea of ‘how people should respond/feel’ as a member of your society. This is limiting! If you’d see the beauty of the emotional experience and the creation behind it. The growth the soul experiences in  ANY emotional state…. you wouldn’t want to limit yourselves. You came here to learn, to experience, to be. The bottom line? EVERY SOUL ON EARTH IS HERE TO EXPERIENCE.

So be present and experience the beautiful creations that you are creating! We can tell you from our overview that all experiences really are equally beautiful. All that you label good, bad, righteous, evil… all are positive and beneficial and beautiful. All. There is no exception. It is our hope to assist you in seeing the beauty so that you can make the most of your existence in this reality.

How do you make the most of it? Don’t limit yourself based on all others projections. Be here now and ALLOW yourself to experience without trying to control the experience. The beauty of co creation is the universe will place you in a scenario that you CAN’T control based on what you choose, it is an experience that you brought forth based on your vibration, thoughts, actions and speech. This is the classroom setting. The test is for you to simply figure out that no matter what you created, you are safe, you are love, you are light. If you passed that test then you would just enjoy and allow and be present in the experience. No controlling. No judgement. No regrets. Then you would see the message of the lesson. You would never need to repeat anything and you will move onto the next experience. You are here to experience.

You are aware of a teaching that you are all individual expressions of Source. You know however, we see many don’t UNDERSTAND. If you understood, you would stop procrastinating/stagnating or trying to ‘be as you think others want you to be’ and you would just experience. You would love and you would just be. You would all individually grow emotionally and not be afraid of your expression. This is flowing. This is moving. This is living and it is a beautiful divine gift.

Those whom choose to incarnate in your dimension to experience all feelings and all creations, we are with you. We are with all of you, as being on your Earth is courageous. You are a gift. Humanity is a gift. It combines all of the creations in the universe and brings them into one place to play out the many different roles you can choose, experience and feel.

From your brightest moments to your darkest moments, please remember all are beautiful and you will always survive. Be present and do not fear the experience. Do not fear growth.

Our message is complete, we are with you all. Call on us if you need a reminder of your beauty. We Archangel Michael and Archangel Shekinah will help you remember.

–Archangels Michael and Shekinah channeled through Savannah Crownover

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The Power of Imagination

“Daydreaming and fantasizing is an under appreciated method of meditation. The imagination is a realm of pure creation. It is a realm that can show you what it is your heart truly desires. It can help you to find your passion, your purpose.

Suddenly then a thought is taken hold of and a seed is planted. That seed is no longer just imaginary daydreams, it is birthing into reality. You are now vibrating at a frequency to attract to you the right people, magnetizing places and events to help bring you your hearts desires, your creation.”

–Archangel Shekinah channeled through Savannah Crownover


Welcome 2016 the year of the 9 and the year of the Hermit.

(This was an earlier post from my main blog that I forgot to upload. So catching up…Yes, I know it is now April.)


Just wow!

The end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016 haven’t exactly been the easiest energy wise! Well, speaking from my experience. 🙂

I have a lot of change happening in my life right now and on top of the personal change, I’m also being made aware that I’m integrating a universal system and energy expansion within myself. Whew!

Sometimes I’m not sure I can handle it, other days I feel like this shift is awesome.

I feel like I’m being refreshed some days. Other days the energies are so heavy and so much is being done, I can barely function! At that point all I want is my bed! My guidance team has confirmed that I’ve had a lot of ‘psychic surgery’ done.

This new energy I’m integrating and all the personal changes happening have me feeling pulled into a new direction. I’m just not sure what that direction is yet. It is a strong pull and it is admittedly unsettling that I don’t know where this pull is leading to. I am doing my best to trust the process and listen to myself and my guides more than others opinions. 🙂

I have a strong desire to FEEL and be FREE lately. Anything that doesn’t align with that is a struggle. The freedom I’m talking about is more of a different way of doing things. I have this feeling that there is something I am supposed to do that is ‘new’ and won’t be the easiest because it is unheard of. What that is, I don’t know. My guidance team is big on the divine timing right now. They say more will be revealed when the timing is aligned and I am able.

I know there is a lot going on outside of Earth right now. Whatever it is, it’s big. The councils have shown me this in my dreams, though by the time I fully wake, all I have is the memory that I just witnessed a pivotal moment.

Speaking of dreams, my dreams have been in layers lately. Often. It’s like a newsreel of the events happening within the many ‘realities’ you can play in. Not just that, but how they overlap and each affects the other. At first I thought they were trying to show me how my actions impact others. After asking some guidance they said it was bigger than that. It was how everyone and everything is linked. Not that this is any ‘new’ news. I know this. They were just showing it in action and showing that we’ve all shifted up so high that to say ‘3D’ is now technically inaccurate and in this new vibration everything influences the other much more rapidly. Btw, for those of you still waiting for the 5D frequencies, they’ve came, they’ve integrated and we have already far surpassed. 🙂 Most people are vibrating at the 6th and 7th frequencies now.

That is one thing the Angels have told me. With where we are vibrating our ‘human’ experience is not so ‘human’ anymore. We’ve changed more than we realize and are continuing to transform into something new. 🙂 Humanity isn’t leaving us, it is however changing.

Oh! Communication. That is the focus of the moment and so funny that it is the focus when a retrograde is happening! Irony. I have to chuckle, almost like the universe is poking fun at us. 😉

Quite a few that I have done readings for over the previous weekend had various messages that were about communication. Apparently this is one of the Angels main focus right now. They are showering us with frequencies, energies and light that will HEAL our communication centers. Many need completely re-connected they are so detached from real communication.

It is not just about healing and communicating truthfully though, there is something else behind it too. Many seem to be changing or upgrading their voice and speech??? Something about unlocking the potential of command, healing and manifesting with the sound octaves. The message is more about the responsibility of speech than the obvious speak your truth.

So anyway, I just wanted to post an update because a few have asked what I’ve been noticing lately. I also have a few who have noticed that my website is down. That is correct. I am rebuilding. It will be back up. This does not mean I am not open for business. I am still available to do private sessions and events. 🙂 Until my website is back up though, I have updated and added the information pages to my blog. So I guess you could say my blog is now also acting as my temporary website. Just incase you want a refresher, my blog address is

I’m also moving soon and am playing with the idea of moving into a space large enough to do events and appointments out of my personal home. We shall see. Like I said, a lot of changes happening. 🙂 A lot of positive changes. 🙂

I also have had a few text me asking in different ways, what I do when the energies get intense and I feel as though I am being weighed down under the onslaught of integration. My answer to all of you… take it easy. It is ok. This is where you just have to do your best to do ‘you’ and honor what you feel your body needs. For me, my saving grace has been alone time. Lots and lots of alone time. I’ve also been taking care to cleanse often energetically and physically to assist the release process along as fast as possible. If you need to cry then let those tears flow. If you need to spend a day doing yoga, then do it! If you feel you need to be out amongst others for a distraction, then so be it! Get going. The answer won’t be the same for us all. Trust in yourself and your ability to know what your body really needs. Then follow through. That is important… you know actually providing yourself with the nurturing you need. If you are one like me who has had anxiety triggered by some of this integration, don’t beat yourself up. One step at a time and it really is okay to stay in your cave for a day or two if needed. 😉 Promise.

“Learn to care for your nurturing over your surroundings (you) instead of investing in the systemic (outer everyday worker-bee) reality. Your surroundings (you/ your body) are all you have, that is what is real. It is our suggestion that you all focus on remembering this as a truth. Once you remember this truth you will heal and grow and be able to be productive with others who have accepted this truth. That is community productivity. Not the illusion you’ve all accepted for so long. The illusion has served as a lesson and it’s lesson is complete. Open your eyes and don’t be afraid of the truth. It can be hard to see the reality of what you created and played into. It is necessary for your growth.” -Channeled by Savannah from Archangel Michael.

angels, blogs, daily channeling, extraterrestrials, guidance, knowledge, light beings, love, meditation, pleiadians, power of the mind, spirit guides, spirituality, transformation, Uncategorized, vibrations, visualization

Channeled Message from the Seven Sisters of Pleiades

I am hanging out at Enchanted Elements today. Bagging up some herbs. Watching the shop. It’s been quiet here. I figure, I’ll take advantage and post a blog entry…

I don’t have any experiences I want to share publicly right now, so I thought I’d open up to channel and see who comes through.

The Pleiadians, the Seven Sisters have a message to share:

“Deeper. To go deeper you must risk exploring the mind. Those who always ask guides and angels, “what is my next step? I feel stalled. I want to go deeper into my spiritual practice, I just don’t know how.”

Your mind. Start there. It is good practice from our point of view to explore ones own mind. This is equivalent to exploring your own universe. It is your doorway to the infinite self. It will help you to become the observer and allow you to see what makes you, ‘you’.

See yourself as a tiny spark of electricity traveling through the connections of your brain. Travel through and just observe. Are there any connections that are darker, broken, or perhaps reversed? Allow them to show you why they are as they are. As you travel down, some may take you on a journey through a memory. It’s okay allow it.

If other thoughts ‘pop up’ as you travel down into your mind such as a recent party or disagreement, don’t ignore them, write them down or stop and pay attention. There is usually a reason you are having those thoughts and for them to ‘pop up’ during this time is not a ‘distraction’ it is a key asking you to explore it more.

Eventually doing this over time, you’ll begin to re-pattern your brain. We repeat, this will take time and dedication. This will allow you to clear a lot of your own trauma and dis-ease. This will help you to find your light in any areas that may seem dark. This is your way to change how you ‘tick’ or more appropriate, it will help you to change what you ‘choose’.

If you are one who is prone to anxiety, exploring these connections will allow for the repair, allow you to see the lesson, the pattern and even the ‘how’ to change it, if you CHOOSE to allow a different experience into your life.

Exploring your mind is just a start to your freedom. It is how you get to know your past, present and future. It is your key to erasing programs that are no longer beneficial. It is the gateway to exploring your other energy centers and healing yourself.

In turn, this will also help with the ‘outside’ projection. Your awareness will be heightened in your daily life. How? Everything outside is a projection from the inside. Your scientists know this, yet it isn’t widely advertised… Once you fully grasp that statement, you are in control and see past the illusion.

As you begin to explore your inner universe, your outer universe will shift and adapt to your new view, your new calibration. Each trip into your mind will release and recalibrate your reality, what you attract to you. What you see, hear and feel…it will all change. Are you ready for this change? Do you want to see through the illusion? We hope that you do. Once you grasp that you are in control of the projection of your personal universe, there is no reason for pain, dis-ease, drama… Unless you still choose that experience.

After some dedication, exploring the connections in your mind will allow for brainwave entrainment. It will be easy to achieve a meditative or trance state, simply by tapping into those connections. You can find the connections for your many different trance states and play with activating them at different intensities. Try them at home, in nature or at a coffee shop to see just how easy it is to drop into a more aware state once you’ve discovered the connections.

Each time you recalibrate your ‘inner universe’ you are changing your DNA. How? As you travel down the connections and explore your mental mapping, you are bringing more light to areas that may have been forgotten or dormant. This lights them up. The more strands you bring light to, the more it starts to be of use to your current projected universe.

Why would you want to change your DNA? To grow. To bring to this incarnation your full experience. DNA repair can heal fragmented souls. DNA repair can possibly do anything from healing your common food allergies to increasing your hearing. Memories are stored in your DNA. You can explore your past for wisdom, your present and the future and bring that which is beneficial into this incarnation. Illness and memories are simply programs that you’ve accepted. You CAN change the programs. Of course, this is all up to you. We are not promising these results. We are only speaking of what is possible to achieve should YOU CHOOSE. You can be as awake and aware as you choose. It is up to you. It is a journey. One simple trip will provide instant change to you and your inner and outer world. The change may be subtle or not obvious right away, however, we will promise that there will be a change. Each persons level of awareness will determine what is ready to be reflected within and without after calibration.

It is our hope that this message will encourage you to explore your mind to get to know YOUR truth. Your truth is more important than what others may state as truth. Refer to the Angels previous message through this one on how truth is not black and white.Truth will be a personal experience and diving into your inner universe/mind is an important step to take when one wants to go deeper along their spiritual path.”

I had to tend to the shop so the channel was cut short, or so I thought. They said it was ended at the appropriate spot. They want to help empower us and the love from the Pleiadians is always a joy to experience. I love love love when they come through. 🙂