#believe, angels, archangel michael, Archangels, blogs, daily channeling, knowledge, light, multiverse

Choose life. Archangel Michael 10/27/2015

Today is an important day, marks the first of a trinity, yet the end of a cycle. You have moved into the brightest part of this multiverse. Moved into a higher spiral.

Celebrate this. Enjoy the increased light that is now available to all. Your system is now breaking into new territory. Yet because of the perfection of the universal order, it isn’t new, it has graced this ‘space’ before. It is just new for this cycle. For you it is new. It is YOUR cycle that hasn’t experienced this light in this incarnated plane. This isn’t the end. Your universe continues on. You have left a previous spiral cycle and are now on a new link.

We are watching you, watching as you absorb and adjust to this new light, this new information available. Many of you are aware of the significance of spirals. Think of a picture in your imagination, if you will, of your universe moving fast. It is not stationary. You are moving in spirals. Your universe is doing the same. So it is returning once more to a part of the multiverse however, it is on a much higher plane. Same space, just moving faster as all the matter of your universe expands their boundaries and vibrate faster. Same space, just that much more in sync vibrating with the light.

Your universe is constantly moving through the same territory, however it is new because with each circle, it spirals higher. With each link, your universe, the live record you are a part of, gathers more information (light).

I’m giving all who read this a very specific visual. Your universe is forever growing, expanding, changing and moving. Your universe is on a path to the source light. This simply means it is on a path to knowledge, to life.

Know that simply by existing you are a part of this record, this journey. You all are a part of the ride. Each soul adding to this library by simply existing and allowing your light expression to sing in this dimension and all dimensions your soul light decides to incarnate.

So to each person asking, ‘what is my mission, why did I come?! am I on the correct path?! The answer is yes. By simply existing you are doing right by your ‘path’. By simply existing you are fulfilling your ‘mission’. Sure you have each added extra desires. Though if you don’t complete them, you will be okay. Your time is an illusion. Your existence is less than a second. Live it and enjoy the illusion effects to learn while you can.

If you choose to live a multidimensional experience or stay firmly planted in your 3rd dimensional program, it is okay, you are still aligned and will not be left behind. If you ask us for guidance, of course we encourage a more balanced existence, aknowledging that you are a multidimensional being incarnated in a 3 dimensional plane. Just because the physical is 3 dimensional doesn’t mean you should limit yourself to the 3 dimensional experience. You are allowed the choice though, to experience simply being part of the ‘3d programming’. Either is a correct path, as long as you choose to live while you are here.

If you want direction, my suggestion is to not live your life confined by fear based decisions. Be strong and confident and LIVE. To live, is to love. Living is growing. Living is adding to this universal record. We sing when you choose to expand and grow, to be filled with information is to be filled with light. We sing more though, when you achieve the greatest lesson of all and that is to just live. Live, love, let go, be filled with new light, new life. Repeat, repeat, repeat. This is growing. This is all that is needed to move towards the light.

See yourself moving with your universe, it reaches higher and higher into light, higher into life.
This is my message for you all, to have the courage to live your life. This is what makes you a warrior. Leaving this plane is easy. Living is the lesson. Living is the experience. Life is the knowledge.

I am Archangel Michael and I am always here for you in light and in love, to give you that strength needed to choose life.

#believe, energy download, faith, light, random musings, transmutation, unexplainable, waves


I figure hey… This is my blog… So I can share what I want right? Well I’m having a moment and there is a lot I don’t understand lately so I’ll maybe talk about it here. Maybe. My guides are encouraging me… I’m not really into sharing the personal though. Oh well here goes…
I’m starting to feel more and more different. I didn’t think that was possible, to feel more different than I already do. Everything leads to more questions than answers. I don’t want to be normal, so I like this… It sure would be nice to let someone fully into my world who understands it though. I have changes happening to me I can’t begin to describe or make others understand and it gets overwhelming at times. I don’t quite understand what I’m seeing or experiencing lately. I guess this is one of those overwhelming times.
I don’t really let people into my world out of fear of judgement, admittedly.  I also know I’m not the only one in the world experiencing changes, so I feel silly that it’s overwhelming, I know my experiences are in no way more important than others.
That was more than enough right now. So thanks for listening.
#believe, angels, archangel michael, Archangels, daily channeling, energy download, light, light beings, meditation, pure unconditional love, visualization

Archangel Michael 06-27-15

I channeled this message from Archangel Michael and was encouraged to share. – 06/27/15

How does it feel to hold more love? This is what is happening to all of you. The Solstice energy is still integrating and it’s not just this Universe that you are anchoring energies from.

For those that attended the attunement ceremony, you assisted with transforming this part of this universe to a multi-verse doorway of love.

You may still be feeling the effects. Your angel family is happy to watch you step into co creation and owning your “I AM” presence. These effects will be intensified into next week with a powerful full moon.

The transformation that took place on the solstice was to open a multi-verse doorway and to transform your physical state of being to a less dense, more loving vibration.

The multi-verse doorway is now open and you have all reached a level of love and openness in which you can now begin to co-create and integrate more dimensions of awareness. This boost of transformation of your physical vessels into love is allowing you to access higher levels of pure love atoms and more information, truth.

To us, you are lighting up this part of the universe and soon… there will be beautiful fireworks of light as you start to integrate the many levels of light now available to you.

Hold that image of how we see you when you are overwhelmed by negativity in your world. Please go within to the truth and love to see this all really is divine. You are divine. Transformation and balance is taking place, now.

The energy coming with this next full moon will be motivational, action inspiring. Inspiration to take the new higher frequencies and create your new world.

If you have any anger based emotions or thoughts, they will more than likely surface during this full moon. This is healing of anger from the past collective, transmuting the anger to love inspired action. Transmuting the anger into love based courage.

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by anger find a moment to center yourself. The most powerful way you can assist this transformational process is to connect with your true self and creation energy. Connecting those two elements with your physical creates a trinity. This trinity allows divine energy to flow unobstructed through your multiple selves. Any negative emotions will then be released from all levels of the self and transmuted into pure love.

This giant release will then allow your physical vessel to integrate in larger quantities of the love particles from all dimensions of yourself. You will go into another moon cycle to allow your body to transform further away from dense to love/light.

You will go through this process for a couple of cycles, releasing more and bringing in more of the light spectrum and love. This is to raise your planets frequency and all organisms occupying it. As this is happening more multi-verse doorways will open and the interdimensional portals will be opened in earth to allow for more awareness of your interdimensional family.

So I am honored to assist you all in your transformation process. Just know you are not alone in this process, the entire universe is transmuting and you are a huge part of the process. We are grateful.

#believe, angels, archangel michael, creativity, daily channeling, faith, healing with love, light, light beings, manifestation, meditation, pure unconditional love

Creation through passion, love and synchronicity. Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael has been working with me, giving me this information to share with everyone. He wants to teach everyone how to use their creativity to manifest a loving reality.

Creation through passion, love and synchronicity.

Creating is essential to create life or death. You choose life or death through your passion of choice. If you choose to create negatively, you are ultimately choosing what you would call difficult times and stress, ultimately sickness. Choosing to create positively brings love, health, abundance and fulfillment.

Finding a way to be creative is to create something of value. Creating something of value, being of service to the spirit and of the collective will bring you into alignment with your full potential. What do I mean, ‘create something of value?’ I mean create with love and passion. Your passions are your key. For example, if you love energy work and offer it to others because you genuinely want to help, not solely for money, then you are creating positively, adding value to the collective and serving spirit. This creates a balance within your alignment and brings abundance and fulfillment faster. Another example, someone who loves music and is creating a service around music for the love of it, not for material gain. One last example, someone who is good with construction and offers a repair service, for the love and passion they have towards providing this service to others, not for material gain. I know, I am repeating a lot, it is only to let it sink in that the best way to attract abundance is through creation of passions and being of service. Focusing on starting anything with the intent to generate and bring in money for you exclusively is not positively aligned. You are choosing to create with greed and that is a negative emotion. Sure, ‘money’ can come to you in that way as well, it will come with burdens, it will come with stress, and it will become a burden and deplete your passion for life.

Creation is important for stirring passion within you and creating your desire in your reality. If you do not ignore your passions, watch the synchronicities surrounding this alignment, and create for the love of this passion, it will bring joy, happiness, compassion and fulfillment. Keep your focus on joy, happiness, compassion and fulfillment. I’d like to suggest that you choose to create and offer that creation to others because you love doing that ‘work’ and because you want to add value. Just by using that intent, it will bring you the abundance frequency and energy much faster than if your focus is on money.

If you focus on bringing in money… For example, creating a business model or offering services to others with the sole intent of gaining more ‘money’. …“Money” now has such a low and negative vibration that you are bringing negativity into your life. You are asking for sickness! Placing your focus on creating ‘money’ invites stress, sickness and obstacles more rapidly to you. This has the potential to create an imbalance within your alignment and will ultimately deplete your passion. You are creating negatively with that intent.

By creating with passion and adding value, it brings your life value, which is fulfillment. Everyone is always asking how they could be successful or fulfilled. Why can’t success be measured in value? So the more value you give to humanity and the collective consciousness, the more value you will receive for yourself.  That is fulfillment and that is the true success and is what matters on the ‘other side’ aka ‘heaven, spirit world and/or etc’, whatever you’d like to call those dimensions. You cannot bring your ‘money’ with you once you leave this plane of existence. How much you have loved and how much you have shared that love and passion are all that is important for your soul. Learn to balance the spiritual and the material while you are here. People are rapidly awakening and realizing there is more out there than the daily routine for material survival. Needing to work all day is an illusion created by those who are learning the lessons of greed right now. In the end, greed will always come back to you with negative consequences, you cannot use greed as your focus and expect positive results. It won’t happen.

So you come to earth to learn and grow through life experience and also to give back to the collective. Today’s people are constantly being taught to be, as some would say, ‘worker bees’ to survive. This illusion has people focusing on just the material, becoming zombie like and hypnotized. It is creating an imbalance that we hope you as a collective will choose to correct. Focus on creating with your passions and love, this will fill you with light and help the collective of humanity see that it is okay to change belief systems that no longer serve.

Cash is an energy too, just like money. The word ‘money’ has become a negative based energy. The negative emotions of selfishness and greed that has been attached to that word for so long, have changed the energy of money. People feel angered, hopeless, powerless, depressed and sick over that word, that illusion. This has added to the negativity behind it. The word ‘cash’ has a more meaningful value and a creative energy. If you must talk of this substance, back the emotion with love and use the term ‘cash’. Your speech also has power over your reality. I’d like to also suggest being more mindful of how you speak about your material needs. Instead of saying you are having a financial crisis or problem, change your words and perception. Instead say and perceive that it is simply another experience, in reality that is all it is. Realize this and take back your power over the experience. Instead of saying ‘I am having a difficult financial situation’, say, ‘I am having a new experience’. Realize it is just an experience, another lesson, another opportunity for you to grow and create your reality. You are never helpless, you are never a victim unless you allow yourself to be. I know many don’t like to hear that, it doesn’t change that it is truth. You choose your reality. Do you choose to create love and fulfillment or victim hood and fear?

Ask first what is aligned with your current situation? Some forget that perhaps you’ve purposely made the choice to live a more simple life, therefore having large sums of cash may not be in alignment with your current lesson. Instead of asking to receive cash, ask how you can give more to add to humanity and to the collective? That will create balance and benefits everyone as a whole. Naturally, you will receive all the abundance you need when following that alignment.

You must finally come to understand the lesson of your current situation, only then you are ready for spirit to help and correct the physical and material aspect of it. Once the lesson has been understood, send your call for help loud and clear. Say, “Beloved teachers I am doing my best to assimilate my lesson and to change for the better. Please help me find just the right spot to unfold more of my talents and loving service to mankind.” Remember to always keep the faith and watch for synchronicity, it is our easiest way to communicate with you.

Please, put your ego and old belief patterns aside and choose to believe that you can create abundance and fulfillment through your passions and love, through being of service. You all deserve abundance. The old belief that you’ve been conditioned to believe, that you can only survive as a ‘worker bee’, I suggest you have the courage to let that go. Live a more fulfilled and abundant life creating with your passion and love and sharing it with the collective. This is my message, I have encoded it with a frequency to stir up your passions. I cannot create for you. I can assist you in finding your passion, I can give you that nudge and desire. It is up to you to take it and be the creative being that you are and manifest a more loving and abundant reality.