#believe, angels, archangel michael, Archangels, blogs, cleansing, energy, energy download, frequency, guidance, magic, magical moments, manifestation, meditation, peaceful, power of the mind, psychic reading, random musings, spirituality, synchronicity, transmutation, vibrations, waves

To feel your body change.

It’s quite interesting to feel my body changing. New sensations. Energy is now felt in places I don’t usually feel energy flow. There has been sensitivity to products and foods that I never usually have reactions with.

Crazy pressure in my tailbone and up my spine. Some days the pressure comes up higher than others. I keep feeling waves of energy permeate my body and release rather forcibly through my hands, throat, head and feet. 

Oh and my vision! It goes from blurry to crystal clear, like lens adjusting. It gets so clear at times I swear I see particles in the air everywhere around.  It’s pretty wild.

I’ve been receiving energy bodywork once a week with a friend and I believe that is the saving grace that is helping me integrate this change on all levels. The energy body work combined with me doing frequency infusions on myself I think are assisting with my emotions. Without me grounding and infusing myself I get really emotional, over everything. It’s really made me feel to my core. Interesting thing is I can feel the emotions in different areas of my body. I do a hole release thing mentally when this happens. It helps me to not burst into tears over everything. Hahaha! 

I just wish this didn’t cause nauseated side effects and light sensitivity. Even with those it’s been an interesting ride.

Today I keep hearing an interesting pulsing sound that seems to follow me and shortly after I hear it I get tingly and my body feels like it’s pulsating to match. That’s when I start to get really spacey and feel “gone”. This is kind of how I felt all day. 

I have readings though so grounding back to Earth. I am listening to my guides and taking everything slow and not rushing around. Michael says “no anxiety! Happy thoughts only. Easing into your daily activities on your own terms, when you feel ready, not because you are rushed.” Soooo… I’m doing that.

Lots and lots of green tea. I suddenly can’t seem to get enough of it and water. You know when you have those moments where you are so thirsty and water is the most amazing thing you can give your body. You gulp, gulp, gulp cuz you can’t get enough? Well I have that often, daily. Every couple of hours. Lol. 

I’ve also been seeing sparkles and particles everywhere. Did I mention that already? Well if I did oops! I find it neat to see. It certainly adds a magical look.

Anyway, off to find something grounding to do before my next appointment.

#believe, energy download, extraterrestrials, faith, frequency, gratitude, meditation, power of the mind, random musings, synchronicity


It’s amazing the power of your thoughts. It’s being shown to me over and over, how a simple small switch in thought can have a huge ripple effect on how your day plays out.

I’ve been receiving more and more proof that the universe provides for me and will literally move mountains for myself and whomever else has enough faith and trust. It’s an ongoing process, an ongoing test of your trust in these universal energies and yourself.

According to the universe we are all worth it. We are all divine and perfectly imperfect expressions of energy. 🙂 I’m so grateful to be aware of these messages and am grateful the universe is sending them!

I’ve been feeling a bit off today, I’ve had to really focus on grounding. I felt the energy waves hit me again and wow! I keep wondering what’s up with my health and about that time my guidance team chimes in with “All is well, you are being prepared for your change on the physical level.”

That being said, I’ve been given information channeled from a blue Aviaris race that I am working on typing up.

The energies this week are pretty intense. Mix those energies with Venus in retrograde, a meteor shower and a blue moon in one week. There is a lot happening on so many levels. It’s interesting to see the blending and transformation of the many realities we live in. It’s hard to put in words. What I saw in meditation today was a blending of realities into something completely new. Everything else that did not ‘fit’ was being morphed into light and dissolving into what looks like nothingness. Yet that doesn’t do justice as a description.

They left me with this feeling of momentum. Some frequency is building and will be released soon. What we focus on these next few days will be our future. So stay positive and meditate, go within to remove dense energies and only engage in actions that you want in your future. 🙂 Those being challenged, recognize it is a gift to cleanse deeply ingrained patterns that no longer serve. This is all preparation for an activation of the key holders and bridges.

meditation, psychic reading, random musings

The Early Bird Catches the Worm

I’m here bright and early at Enchanted Elements. 🙂

A few moments of quiet before the psychic fair today. This should be fun! 🙂

Now to make coffee or not to make coffee?

Or I could take a few moments to meditate… or I could snuggle up on these comfy pillows for an hour before people get here…

Anyway, good morning and I hope everyone enjoys their Saturday.

In love, light and gratitude.

blogs, guidance, magical moments, random musings, social media, spirituality


Well, I imported my blog posts from blogger. Those are mainly just channeled blogs and spiritual experiences to share.

I think for this blog, I’ll combine those with day to day type of blogging? A bit more personal here? Maybe. I’m still not sure what to do with this one. Extra space on the web for advertising? Lol. eh. I just know I go by direction from my guidance team a lot and they suggested to expand here and on other social media platforms.

I’ve been going through a lot of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual shifts lately and today I feel as though I needed to rest. So I did just that and now I’m doing my best to get some work done.

I’m distracting myself from the fact that I missed a class that is important to me today. Doing my best to support my body through these changes though, even if that means hitting pause and relaxing for the night.

Oh hey, two butterflies dancing outside over the flower garden. I’ll take that as a cue to get offline and outdoors back to relaxing and grounding. 🙂

animal messages, butterfly magic, magical moments, meditation, random musings, spirit guides, synchronicity

Butterfly Messages

There just happened to be a pair of butterflies playing each place I stopped to connect and meditate in the woods today. How pretty. I walk those woods often, I rarely see so many butterflies. Two butterflies playing over our flower garden and Buddha statue got my attention to get offline and go walk, glad I listened. 🙂 I even had one land on my leg. That was a happy moment!

I find it interesting that I never only saw one, they were always dancing in a pair and all had beautiful reds on their wings.

I know my dog Karma thanked me for the walk. I would have stayed out longer if it weren’t so sticky out. However, I am grateful that yesterday and today were less muggy than usual.

Anyway, so online the butterfly message is of transformation… and that fits my life at the moment.

“The butterfly is one of the most emblematic totem animals symbolizing personal transformation. If you see the butterfly, pay attention to the areas in your life or personality that are in need of profound change or transformation. Perhaps, this animal totem guides you to be sensitive to your personal cycles of expansion and growth, as well as the beauty of life’s continuous unfolding. An important message carried by the spirit of the butterfly is about the ability to go through important changes with grace and lightness.”

“When the butterfly shows up in your life as a spirit animal or totem, it might indicate the need to look at a conflicting situation with more lightness and different perspective. This totem animal is symbolic of lightness of being and elevation from the heaviness of tensions.

This power animal invites those who have a connection with it to bring joy and bliss into their lives. Butterflies often have bright colors. By extension, they are associated with aliveness and brightness. The message of this totem animal is to lighten up and add more color to your life. Perhaps it’s time to express yourself more fully and show your colorful personality.”

Thank you butterflies for this message.

angels, archangel michael, Archangels, ascension, energy download, extraterrestrials, faith, galactic federation, meditation, transmutation, unexplainable, waves

My experience with these waves.

I’m going to share an experience that happened the other day, because I have talked to a few others who experienced similar symptoms at the exact same time. No such thing as a coincidence! So perhaps this will help someone to understand what it feels like to go through this shift.
I feel it’s important to state that the previous week around July 8th and 9th, I found out some pretty deep information about myself thanks to my guides, a friend and the timing being right for me to know.
Upon learning more about myself I immediately felt shifts and movement in my brain which eventually moved through my entire body. I kept getting this shifting feeling, literally feeling like something was moving in my head. I had noticeable pressure in my temples as well and they kept feeling stretched after awhile. Neurological, DNA, meridian and new chakra systems were opening up is what my guides told me. I felt like I had just been “turned on, powered up, activated”.
Sunday, the 12th of July I was tired. My eyelids were so heavy, I practically slept all day and night easily. I only really was up to eat, let my dog out and say ‘hey’ to my boyfriend. I noticed I had my guides around and really observing me. I was too tired to engage and ask why.
Monday the 13th at 3am I woke up from a deep sleep to my guides getting my attention. I was surrounded. There seemed to be many different energies and beings crammed into my room. They said they were all here to watch the change. Ok….
Well not a second later I started to get hit with waves of energy. These waves surrounded me and permeated me. Each time they permeated, my body temperature would escalate. Each wave building in intensity. I got so hot from these waves and the energy it was all I could do to leave the room and get to a cooler space. Moving probably wasn’t the best idea during that process as when I started to move, nausea kicked in. Then one wave hit me so hard I instantly soaked my clothes and hair in sweat. It was yea… gross. I looked like I had just come in from the rain. I was soooo hot from these waves and the burst were intense. It’d build outside, then permeate me and then release through my hands. I felt like I was on fire on the inside and my hands burned, literally felt like they were burning. It got to a point where it was too intense, (edited to spare tmi details haha) my ears were ringing so loud. I got super dizzy. I know probably too much info… but I’m doing my best to share the entire experience, lucky you. 😉
My guides were watching the entire time. They said, hold on just a bit longer to finish the process. I held on for what felt like an eternity but was probably only a minute and then I passed out. I don’t even remember walking to the family room couch and laying down. I woke up at 6:57 am full of energy. I felt great the rest of the day. Perfectly fine.
Now today, Tuesday, I feel amazing! I woke up at 10am and I’m happy as can be. My vibrations feel off the charts amazing. After the past couple of weeks dealing with these bodily changes and material and emotional stuff surfacing to clear, I couldn’t be happier.
Ashtar , Archangel Michael and an Arcturian healing team keep coming in to see my progress. Today they are ecstatic. However, I am learning that this was a ‘mild’ wave compared to what’s coming. I’ve asked and not everyone has been effected as extreme. I guess I chose to seriously fast track this process. Haha… that sounds like me.
According to Ashtar and Michael these waves that are hitting us are very powerful and self intelligent. They have stated that the waves come and permeate all matter within and without earth and are directly from Source. If you notice electronics going crazy and emotions running high you can bet that you are absorbing the waves and you will feel the effects physically within the next couple of days. Michael said they’ve observed this pattern. They come in, they stir up emotions, stir up electronics, disrupts wifi and tv signals, then the physical symptoms happen.
They are ecstatic that the majority of people are choosing to accept and integrate the source energy. They said the amount of people awakening or at least becoming aware that there is a ‘shift’ happening within themselves and others is multiplying. They are multiplying more than they could have imagined. These waves are creating a domino effect and will continue as more come in.
How they effect you will be determined by your level of awareness of the process. Also where your mind and emotions are focused will impact the process, so happy thoughts. More important than happy thoughts though, is that you acknowledge the emotions and events that are surfacing. Even if they aren’t ‘happy’ it’s old triggers and programming that is really getting your attention to clear. Of course, your true divine self and life path will also determine what you may or may not experience.
Archangel Michael wants to remind everyone that you are exactly where you need to be for this process. If for some reason you aren’t happy with where you are at, change it with your mind first. Once your mind is in a positive state, then you can choose positive based actions.
He says very sternly to LISTEN to our bodies. Sleep if you need to sleep. If that means taking four or five naps through out the day, then do it! Forcing yourself to ‘go go go’ when your body needs time to transmute and integrate all of these changes, is self defeating and will only prolong the process. If you find you can’t handle heavy food then listen and eat light. If you keep having the thought to meditate, listen and do so! Some people are being inspired to move, so if you have a desire for stretching, walking and yoga go get on it and follow that hunch. 🙂 Your body is telling you exactly what you need to assist this shift, listen or don’t, the choice is, of course, always yours. 🙂 What do you want to experience?
Michaels suggestion? “Set your intention that these waves come with infinite possibilities for your personal evolution. Set the intent that you will listen and respond to your bodies needs accordingly. Trust that everything is developing just as it should and let go of the steering wheel during these next few months. Allow yourself the gift of faith and patience, let these steer you. This is when you begin to hear your body, this is when you see the magic. Expect magic and open your eyes to what it really looks like. This is all you need to stay in the flow and delete that old programming.”
Flow on. Expect miracles. In love and gratitude! I hope my experience can shed some light on what you may be experiencing as well.
#believe, energy download, faith, light, random musings, transmutation, unexplainable, waves


I figure hey… This is my blog… So I can share what I want right? Well I’m having a moment and there is a lot I don’t understand lately so I’ll maybe talk about it here. Maybe. My guides are encouraging me… I’m not really into sharing the personal though. Oh well here goes…
I’m starting to feel more and more different. I didn’t think that was possible, to feel more different than I already do. Everything leads to more questions than answers. I don’t want to be normal, so I like this… It sure would be nice to let someone fully into my world who understands it though. I have changes happening to me I can’t begin to describe or make others understand and it gets overwhelming at times. I don’t quite understand what I’m seeing or experiencing lately. I guess this is one of those overwhelming times.
I don’t really let people into my world out of fear of judgement, admittedly.  I also know I’m not the only one in the world experiencing changes, so I feel silly that it’s overwhelming, I know my experiences are in no way more important than others.
That was more than enough right now. So thanks for listening.